Worldwide Shipping Assistance For Clients from Lanes Cars
Clients purchasing from abroad can rest assured that we’re experienced in importing and exporting vehicles to many destinations both for exporting Classic Jaguars we sell but also when importing your Classic Jaguar for restoration work, Classic Jaguar Aluminium Bodyshells or EV Jaguar Conversions worldwide we can arrange all shipping, maritime insurance and all necessary documentation required.
As of 1st of October 2019 the Luxury Car Tax no longer applies for restoration work completed
overseas on Australian-registered cars and Lanes Cars can oversee the shipping to/from Australia and also supply the necessary Asbestos Report required for all work completed.
For Classic Jaguars purchased Lanes Cars will deliver by trailer to port of shipping in the UK with certificate of detailed cleaning for your classic car which will be required of imported vehicles by port authorities before being able to leave an Australian dock of arrival along with vehicle trace certificate.
Lanes Cars have exported classic Jaguars to Canada and can assist with the certificates of conformity required.
Lanes Cars continues to export and import classic Jaguars from any EU country and assist with an TÜV/DEKRA certificate of road worthiness and emissions testing if required.
All deliveries and collections are by covered trailer throughtout Europe.
Lanes Cars understand the importing complexities for client’s importing classic Jaguars into Hong Kong and also for restoration of classic Jaguars by ourselves when importing to the UK and re-importing for their return when completed.
Lanes Cars have exported classic Jaguars to Japan and can assist with the certificates of conformity required.
Lanes Cars have exported classic Jaguars to Singapore and can assist with the certificates of conformity required.
Lanes Cars only supply our Lightweight, Lowdrag and XK120 replica bodyshells to the USA.
For clients Classic Jaguars EV Conversions for USA registered E Type, MK2 and XK150 Jaguars we can arrange the importing to the UK and re-importing back into the USA when completed with our worldwide warranty for our EV drivetrain and batteries.